I was asked a short while ago, if I could visit any era, when would it be!? For me, from a very geeky curious side of me, I said I wish I could teleport myself to the 25th Century…and why not!? Why go back to an era that we already know of, I thought how about going to an era that we know nothing about as yet. Imagine, teleporting ourselves to the 25th century to see how technology has changed us, the future of AI and the amazing gadgets and products it offers. Society and culture itself will change massively, how has these influences changed us and the way we treat each other. I’m sure this will all be very different. Curious!? I know I am!
One other important factor is how are we treating the planet, any different than we are today!? I’d hope that it would be better, but is it enough? Maybe the technology isn’t there, maybe the planet decided to take care of itself and send us all into another ice age. How would we deal with adapting to the new environment, survival would be the key priority in our life - that’s if it didn’t wipe us all out in the process making us extinct like the dinosaurs!
So, have I left you curious…have I created a conversational piece? There is certainly plenty there to create a good debate and more. For me, this has certainly got the creative juices flowing producing more theories and new ideas for future article snippets.