I’ve found myself so busy that a lot of my online assets, including this one has been neglected. I have done so much and have really packed it in, so much so I have had very little time to post. Although I’d like to share, I’m not one to divulge everything I’ve done online and share to the world, but I can say though, that I’ve been active, I’ve my spread my wings and have enjoyed the feeling of liberation with not being a slave to any device or felt the need to update all my social media channels…although if I have posted anywhere, it has been on Facebook just to keep a log of everything I’ve done. That’s one place I can share my memories privately.
It’s been quite a nice feeling, although admittedly I could post more about myself but I am still rather private. But I will try and do better.
Like anything, the secret is to achieve the right balance. I do think some people share too much online, giving away too much information without even realising…it’s in the meta data, right!? But now GDPR is here, then that’s another area that will tighten up I guess, as many people are posting data about themselves they don’t even realise. So bear that in mind, consider whether you’re happy about sharing publicly your location, behaviour and habits. You’ll be surprised how much somebody can find out about you!